Publicações – Publication list
A. Livro: Gonçalves, Mirian B. ; GONÇALVES, D. . Elementos de Análise. 2. ed. Florianópolis: UFSC/EAD/CED/CFM, 2012., 198 p. Disponível aqui
B. Artigos:
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, F. Tasca, Nonwandering sets and the entropy of local homeomorphisms – Arxiv version here
- G. G. de Castro, D. Gonçalves, and B. Steinberg, Ideals of étale groupoid algebras with coefficients in a sheaf with applications to topological dynamics. Arxiv version here
- Y. C. Casado, M. I. C. Gonçalves, D. Gonçalves, D. M. Barquero, C. M. Gonzáles, and I. R. Campos, Centroid and algebraic properties of evolution algebras through graphs. Arxiv version here
- G. Boava, G.G. Castro, D. Gonçalves, D. W. Wyk, C*-Algebras of one-sided subshifts over arbitrary alphabets, Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, Irreducible representations of one-sided subshift algebras, Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, L. Orozco, H. Pinedo, The graded structure of Leavittt path algebras viewed as partial skew group rings. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Martín Barquero, C. Martín Gonzáles, and M. Siles Molina, On the centroid of a Leavitt path algebra, Arxiv version here
- Y. C. Casado, M. I. C. Gonçalves, D. Gonçalves, D. M. Barquero, C. M. Gonzáles, and I. R. Campos, Hopf algebras and associative representations of two-dimensional evolution algebras. To appear at Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, The socle of subshift algebras, with applications to subshift conjugacy, to appear at Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves and B. Uggioni, Shadowing for local homeomorphisms, with applications to edge shift spaces of infinite graphs, to appear at Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. Arxiv version here
- L. G. Cordeiro, E. Gillaspy, D. Gonçalves, R. Hazrat, Williams’ Conjecture holds for meteor graphs, to appear at Israel Journal of Mathematics, Arxiv version here
- D. Bagio, D. Gonçalves, P. S. E. Moreira, J. Öinert, The ideal structure of partial skew groupoid rings with applications to topological dynamics and ultragraph algebras, Forum Mathematicum 36, no. 4, 1081-1117, 2024. Arxiv version here
- N. Brownlowe, A. Buss, D. Gonçalves, J. B Hume, A. Sims, M. F Whittaker, KK-duality for self-similar groupoid actions on graphs, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 377, no 8, 5513-5560, 2024. Arxiv version here
- G. Boava, G. G. de Castro, D. Gonçalves, D. W. van Wyk, Algebras of one-sided subshifts over arbitrary alphabets, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 40, no 3, 1045-1088, 2024. Arxiv version here
- D. Bagio, C. G. Canto, D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, The reduction theorem for algebras of one-sided subshifts over arbitrary alphabets, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, vol 118, article 72, 2024. Arxiv version here
- T. T. H. Duyen, D. Gonçalves, T. G. Nam, On the ideals of ultragraph Leavitt path algebras. Algebras and Representation Theory 27, 77–113, 2024 – Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, F. Tasca, Entropy of local homeomorphisms with applications to infinite alphabet shift spaces. International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol 2024, Issue 6, 4842–4892, 2024 – Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, V. S. Rodrigues, Y.C. Casado, Special Issue: CIMPA Floripa: from dynamics to algebra and representation theory and back. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 58, 329–330, 2023.
- C. Farsi, D. Gonçalves, E. Gillaspy, Irreducibility and monicity for representations of k-graph C*-algebras. New York Journal of Mathematics 29, 507–553, 2023 – Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, Properties of the gradings on ultragraph algebras via the underlying combinatorics. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 58, 435–451, 2023 – Arxiv version here
- G. Boava, G.G. Castro, D. Gonçalves, D. W. Wyk, Leavitt path algebras of labelled graphs, Journal of Algebra, Volume 629, no 1 , 265-306, 2023 – Arxiv version here
- C Correia Ramos, D Gonçalves, N Martins, PR Pinto, Unifying interval maps and branching systems with applications to relative graph C*-algebras. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol 519, Issue 1, 126757, 2023. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, A note on the regular ideals of Leavitt path algebras, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, vol 21, no 11, 2250225, 2022. Arxiv version here
- A. T. Baraviera, R. Exel, D. Gonçalves, F.B. Rodrigues, D. Royer, Entropy for partial actions of the group Z, Proceedings of the AMS, vol 150, no 3, 1089-110, 2022. Arxiv version here
- F. A. Tasca, D. Gonçalves, KMS states and continuous orbit equivalence for ultragraph shift spaces with sinks, Publicacions Matemàtiques, vol 66, no 2, 729-787, 2022. Arxiv version here
- L. G. Cordeiro, D. Gonçalves, and R. Hazrat, The talented monoid of a directed graph with applications to graph algebras, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, vol 38, issue 1, p.223-256, 2022. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, B. Steinberg, Étale groupoids algebras with coefficients in a sheaf and skew inverse semigroup rings, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 73 , Issue 6 , pp. 1592 – 1626, 2021. Arxiv version here
- U. B. Darji, D. Gonçalves and M. Sobottka, Shadowing, finite order shifts and ultrametric spaces, Advances in Mathematics, v. 385, 107760, 2021. Arxiv version here
- G.G. Castro, D. Gonçalves, D. W. Wyk, Ultragraph algebras via labelled graph groupoids, with applications to generalized uniqueness theorems, Journal of Algebra, v. 579, 456-495, 2021. Arxiv version here
- M. I. C. Gonçalves, D. Gonçalves, D. M. Barquero, C. M. González, M. S. Molina, Squares and associative representations of two dimensional evolution algebras, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, v. 20, p. 2150090, 2021. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, Representations and the reduction theorem for ultragraph Leavitt path algebras, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, v. 53, 505-526, (2021). Arxiv version here
- Y. Cabrera Casado, M. I. C. Gonçalves, D. Gonçalves, D. Martín Barquero, C. Martín González, Chains in evolution algebras, Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 622, 104-149, 2021. Arxiv version here
- G.G. Castro, D. Gonçalves, D. W. Wyk, Topological Full groups of ultragraph groupoids as an isormorphism invariant, Münster Journal of Mathematics, vol 14 (1), 165-189, 2021. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, M. Ramirez-Solano, On the K-theory of C*-algebras associated to substitution tilings, Dissertationes Mathematicae, v. 551, p. 1-133, 2020. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, Simplicity and chain conditions for ultragraph Leavitt path algebras via partial skew group ring theory, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, vol 109 (3), 299-319, 2020. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, D. Royer, Irreducible and permutative representations of ultragraph Leavitt path algebras, Forum Mathematicum, v. 32, p. 417-431, 2020, Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, B. B. Uggioni, Ultragraph shift spaces and chaos, Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques, v. 158, p. 102807, 2020. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, B. B. Uggioni, Li-Yorke chaos for ultragraph shift spaces, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, v. 40, p. 2347-2365, 2020 Arxiv version here
- C. G. Canto, D. Gonçalves, Representations of relative Cohn path algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, v. 224, p. 106310, 2020. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves and Danilo Royer, Infinite alphabet edge shift spaces via ultragraphs and their C*-algebras, International Mathematics Research Notices., v. 2019, p. 2177-2203, 2019. Arxiv version here
- V. M. Beuter, D. Gonçalves, J. Oinert, D. Royer, Simplicity of skew inverse semigroups with applications to Steinberg algebras and topological dynamics, Forum Mathematicum., v. 31, p. 543-562, 2019. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, M. Sobottka, Continuous shift commuting maps between ultragraph shift spaces, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, series A, v.39, p. 1033-1048, 2019. Arxiv version here
- G. G. de Castro, D. Gonçalves, KMS and ground states on ultragraph C*-algebras, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, v, 90, p. 63, 2018. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, H. Li, and Danilo Royer, Branching systems for higher-rank graph C*-algebras, Glasgow Mathematical Journal,v.60, p. 731-751, 2018. Arxiv version here
- Beuter, Viviane M.; Gonçalves Daniel, The interplay between Steinberg algebras and skew rings, J. of Algebra, v. 497, p. 337-362, 2018. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, M. Sobottka and C. Starling, Inverse semigroup shifts over countable alphabets, Semigroup Forum., v. 96, p. 203-240, 2018. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Gonçalves, M. I. C., The infinite Lights Out problem and symmetric matrices over Z_2. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, v.103, p. 289-295, 2017. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, M. Sobottka and C. Starling, Two-sided shift spaces over infinite alphabets, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, vol. 103, p. 357-386, 2017. Arxiv version here
- T. Giordano, D. Gonçalves and C.Starling, Bratelli-Vershik models for partial actions of Z, International Journal of Mathematics v. 28, p. 1750073, 2017. Arxiv version here.
- D. Gonçalves and Danilo Royer, Ultragraphs and shift spaces over infinite alphabets, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques v. 141, p. 25-45, 2017. Arxiv version here
- M. Sobottka and D. Gonçalves, A note on the definition of sliding block codes and the Curtis-Hedlund-Lyndon Theorem, Journal of Cellular Automata. v. 12, p. 209-215, 2017. Arxiv version here
- Beuter, Viviane M.; Gonçalves Daniel, Partial crossed products as equivalence relation algebras. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics v. 46, p. 85-104, 2016. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves and G. Yoneda, Free path groupoid grading on Leavitt path algebras. International Journal of Algebra and Computationv. 26, p. 1217-1235, 2016. Arxiv version here.
- D. Gonçalves, H. Li and D, Royer, Branching systems and general Cuntz-Krieger uniqueness theorem for ultragraph C*-algebras. International Journal of Mathematics 27, 1650083 (2016) [26 pages]. Arxiv version here
- D. Gonçalves, M. Sobottka and C. Starling, Sliding block codes between shift spaces over infinite alphabets. Math. Nachrichten. 289, No. 17–18, 2178–2191 (2016), Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Li, Hui; Royer, Danilo, Faithful representations of graph algebras via branching systems. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, vol 59, 95-103, 2016. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Royer, Danilo. (M+1)-step shift spaces that are not conjugate to M-step shift spaces. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques (Paris. 1885), vol. 139, issue 2, 178-183, 2015. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Starling, Charles. Division Point Measures from Primitive Substitutions. Expositiones Mathematicae, v. 33, Issue 1, 67-77, 2015. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Royer, Danilo. Branching systems and representations of Cohn-Leavitt path algebras of separated graphs. Journal of Algebra, v. 422, p. 413-426, 2015. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Oinert, J.; Royer, Danilo. Simplicity of partial skew group rings with applications to Leavitt path algebras and topological dynamics. Journal of Algebra, v. 420, p. 201-216, 2014. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel. Simplicity of partial skew group rings of abelian groups. Canad. Math. Bull. Vol. 57 (3), pp. 511–519, 2014 . Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Royer, Danilo. Leavitt path algebras as partial skew group rings. Communications in Algebra, v. 42, p. 127-143, 2014. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel; Royer, Danilo, C*-algebras associated to stationary Bratteli diagramas. Houston Journal of Mathematics, vol 1, no 40, p. 127-143, 2014. Arxiv version here
- EXEL, Ruy ; Gonçalves, Daniel ; STARLING, C. . The tiling C*-algebra viewed as a tight inverse semigroup algebra. Semigroup Forum, 84, p. 229-240, 2012., Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel ; Royer, Danilo. Graph C*-algebras, branching systems and the Perron-Frobenious operator. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 391, p. 457-465, 2012. Arxiv version here
- EXEL, R. ; Giordano, T. ; Gonçalves, D. . Envelope Algebras of Partial Actions as Groupoid C*-algebras. Journal of Operator Theory, v. 65, p. 197-210, 2011. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, D. ; Royer, D. . Unitary equivalence of representations of graph algebras and branching systems. Functional Analysis and its Applications, v. 45, p. 117-127, 2011. Arxiv version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel . On the K-theory of the stable C*-algebras from substitution tilings. Journal of Functional Analysis, v. 260, p. 998-1019, 2011. Published version here
- Gonçalves, Daniel ; Royer, Danilo . On the representations of Leavitt path algebras. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 333, p. 258-272, 2011. Arxiv version here
- GONÇALVES, D. ; Royer, D. Perron Frobenius operators and representations of the Cuntz Krieger algebras for infinite matrices. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, v. 351, p. 811-818, 2009. Arxiv version here
- GONÇALVES, D. . New C*-algebras from Substitution Tilings. Journal of Operator Theory, v. 57, p. 391-407, 2007. Published version here