Events – Eventos organizados e em organização.
- MCA special session on Symbolic Dynamics and Combinatorial Algebras (Jul 2025)
- SEE2023: Symposium on Evolution Equations (Jul 2023)
- CIMPA School: From Dynamics to Algebra and Representation Theory and back (Fev 2022)
- IV Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration and Tilings (Maio 2019)
- Research School on Evolution Algebras and non associative algebraic structures (U. Málaga, Oct 2018)
- ICM Operator Algebras Satellite Conference – 6th Florianópolis-Münster-Ottawa Meeting (July 2018)
- MCA Sattelite Conference on Operator Algebra (Fields Institute Aug 2017)
- MCA special session on Topological Dynamics and Operator Algebras (Montreal, July 2017)
- III Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration, Tilings and Graph Algebras (Mar 2017)
- II Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration and Tilings (Dez 2015)
- Workshop on Functional Analysis and Dynamical Systems- (dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Prof. Thierry Giordano, Feb 2015)
- III Colóquio de Matemática da Região Sul (28 Abril à 02 de Maio de 2014)
- Mini Programa Temático em Análise Funcional Geométrica e Ações de Grupo (Fev 2014)
- Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration and Tilings (Nov 2013)
- Workshop on Sofic and Hyperlinear Groups and the Connes Embedding Conjecture (Jun 2013)
- Cóloquio Matemática da UFSC (2010 à 2012)
- Brazilian Operator Algebras Symposium (Jan/Fev 2011)